Tagging Guidelines


Robert Jaquiss

Revised September 5, 2023

In the following document, the term tag means an identifier. Identifier tags are not related to tags that begin and end an HTML element.

Tagging a Podcast

  • Tagging is used to associate a podcast with a particular subject area.
  • Podcasts will have more than one tag.
  • Podcasts need the following tags.
  • Title.
  • Subject(s).
  • Date uploaded.
  • Date(s) presented.
  • Author(s) Each author has a separate tag.
  • Author’s school (optional).
  • Author’s teacher (optional).
  • Author’s demographics, gender, race (if required by the grant).
  • Grade level.
  • Presenters.

Tagging of Files specifically those used in conjunction with a book or podcast.

  • Tagging is used to associate image or audio files with a particular subject area.
  • Files can and likely will have more than one tag.
  • Tags are used to help find files related to a particular subject.
  • Tags can also be used to associate a file with a particular book, website, podcast etc.
  • Tags can also be used to associate an author with a file.

For example, consider an Asian elephant. Tags for an Asian elephant could include:

  1. Animal
  2. Terrestrial animal
  3. Mammal
  4. Asian elephant
  5. Domesticated
  6. Wild
  7. Gender
  8. Color

If the file is for creating a three dimensional model or tactile image, tags should include the equipment to be used to produce the image.

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